Scouting in the Romsey area, are in need of assistance from yourself. Please visit 'Volunteer With Us' to see our current opportunities. Alternately please email us if you do not see a role that interests you, Or speak with us at any of our events. We are always in need of support, whether front line or non seen roles such as treasures or Trustees, even people to help make teas a coffees at events! Volunteer With Us

Hello, this is the playground

Morbi pulvinar neque non dolor vestibulum tincidunt. Donec eget commodo lorem. Nam metus nisi, pulvinar at semper a, consequat rhoncus sapien. Ut vitae venenatis.

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Aenean mattis ipsum vitae urna hendrerit, ut rhoncus nisi volutpat. Vivamus vitae dictum arcu. Etiam libero dolor, sodales ac tempor eu, semper ut tortor.

Heading two

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Heading three

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Heading four

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Heading five

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Heading six

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

  • Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros.
  • Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam.
  • In scelerisque efficitur nisi vel dictum nulla tempor sed.
  • Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur.
  • Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci.
  1. Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros.
  2. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam.
  3. In scelerisque efficitur nisi vel dictum nulla tempor sed.
  4. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur.
  5. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci.

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Right aligned image with a caption

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Aenean mattis ipsum vitae urna hendrerit, ut rhoncus nisi volutpat. Vivamus vitae dictum arcu. Etiam libero dolor, sodales ac

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Aenean mattis ipsum vitae urna hendrerit, ut rhoncus nisi volutpat. Vivamus vitae dictum arcu. Etiam libero dolor, sodales ac tempor eu, semper ut tortor.

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Aenean mattis ipsum vitae urna hendrerit, ut rhoncus nisi volutpat. Vivamus vitae dictum arcu. Etiam libero dolor, sodales ac

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Aenean mattis ipsum vitae urna hendrerit, ut rhoncus nisi volutpat. Vivamus vitae dictum arcu. Etiam libero dolor, sodales ac tempor eu, semper ut tortor.

Full width aligned image with a caption

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.

Bear Grylls

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Name Title Lorem Ipsum Task
John Doe Front-end Developer Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame
Henry Ford Back-end Developer Dolor sit amet Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame
Henley Brown UX Designer Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame
Elisha Dickerson Marketeer Lorem ipsum Consectetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame
Matt Ainsworth Marketeer Lorem ipsum Consectetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame

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Accordion One

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Accordion Two

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

Accordion Three

Proin non magna at felis tincidunt cursus at sed eros. Donec dapibus elit a neque vestibulum aliquam. In scelerisque efficitur nisi, vel dictum nulla tempor sed. Nunc hendrerit at ligula ut efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo augue, fermentum sit amet vulputate nec, bibendum id velit. Fusce eu egestas dolor.

District Lead Volunteer (DLV)

David’s first experience of Scouting was as a Beaver in the 1990s at 10th Romsey (Woodley & Crampmoor) Group. We are pleased to say that he has never left since then and became our District Commissioner in 2018. He is the youngest DC we have ever had and his enthusiasm has seen the District through some of the challenges of recent years.

David’s Scouting experiences include volunteering on Brownsea Island for the Centenary celebrations in 2007 and climbing Ben Nevis.

District Lead Volunteer (DLV)

Rob has been involved in Scouting since the 1990s starting at 10th Romsey (Woodley & Crampmoor) Group. Since then he has held various roles within the group and district. From assisting section nights, running sections, coordinating events, Romsey’s Deputy District Commissioner and now Romsey District Lead Volunteer.

Deputy District Lead Volunteer (DDLV), Programme Team Lead

Hi, I’m Cam, and I am the Deputy District Commissioner for Romsey. I am also the  Group Scout Leader for the 21st Nursling and Rownhams Scout Group.

My Scouting journey began in 2004 as a Beaver, after which I progressed to Cubs and then Scouts at the 21st. I later became a Young Leader in Cubs and then served as an Assistant Cub Leader for a year before forming and leading our second Cub Pack, Phoenix. Alongside being the Section Leader for Cubs, I also had the pleasure of serving as the Deputy Group Scout Leader.

Being the Group Scout Leader (GSL) is not my only Scouting responsibility. I have previously held the position of Assistant District Commissioner for Cub Scouts in Romsey District, where I had the opportunity to visit Cub packs across Romsey, run exciting events like the District Challenge Trophy camp, and most notably, organise our District’s trip to Disneyland Paris. I am now the Deputy District Commissioner for Romsey Scouts, where I oversee and work with the Assistant District Commissioners for all sections (Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, and Explorers).

Being a leader is one of the best experiences I can imagine, as it allows me to share in all the excitement and fun that the children enjoy.

District Chair

Claire doesn’t remember a time when she wasn’t a Scout, largely because her Dad was Scout leader at 15th Romsey (North Baddesley) when she was born. She started her adult Scouting as an Assistant Scout Leader in Leicester (having been away to University). She moved back to Romsey District in 2000 and was quickly signed up to the District team. Claire has been District Chair since 2014 and is proud to say that she is the first woman to have held the role.

Claire’s favourite Scouting memory is having spent the Centenary celebrations on Brownsea Island with her Dad.

Squirrels Team Lead
Beavers Team Lead
Cubs Team Lead
I started my Scouting as a Cub and then re-entered Scouting as a Beaver Leader at 10th Romsey, when my children joined Beavers. That was in the last century!
In 2007, the centenary year of Scouting, I became the Cub Pack leader at 10th Romsey Sioux Pack and the rest, as they say is history. I have since added the role of training advisor and ADC Cubs, where I am looking forward to many more events and adventures.
Scouts (East) Team Lead
Scouts (West) Team Lead
14 - 24 Team Lead & Explorer Desc
Active Support Team Lead
Deputy Active Support Team Lead
District Youth Commissioner

Dan started as a beaver at 15th Romsey and went through all the sections eventually becoming a YL and helping at the same cub group he attended.

When he turned 18, he decided to stay in scouting and become the District Youth Commissioner because of his love of scouting and the outdoors.

As the District Youth Commissioner, he makes sure that the young people can make the most out of the opportunities that are available to them and have their say in how scouting is run.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III